
joined 5 months ago
[–] 1 points 1 day ago (3 children)

extreme statism if not paid agents.

Mainstream media statism of smearing/warmongering on China and Russia is prevalent. That you would bring up an obsession of China's successful counterterrorism operation in Xinxiang through education, job creation, peace and prosperity results as something to obsess on, or categorize US provoked war on Russia through Ukraine proxy as a genocide, would be another examples of "to the last Ukrainian" US responsibility for the war, instead of Russia defending itself from NATO encroachment, if you insist on calling that a genocide. Genocide declarations are always political, and usually hate based instead of fact based politics.

I would say the 2010 electorate was way more misled on that topic than the modern-day audience.

Zionist/neocon bipartisan rulership was never a big electoral issue because Zionist oligarchs gave to both sides, and stayed away from strong opinions on which side was best for Israel. Supposedly not a major voting issue in 2024, even though Zionist supremacists shifted hard to Trump, and allied themselves with even project 2025 agenda, and media (all zionist) also shifted to Trump. There is obvious online resistance for obvious reasons, but mass media still decides winners.

The extreme social media shift, is the supposedly more intellectual left fanning warmongering against powers that can fight back. If the most republican/neocon/zionist DNC appointees favour warmongering, then so must "we". Europe going psychotic over peace prospects, and responding to economic extortion from US with more psychosis against Russia, is a crazy level at least as high as what comes from the right.

Europe needs to quit this green energy nonsense and start buying fuel from Russia again.

Europe policy is mostly escaping that "oil funded disinformation". Like Russian warmongering propaganda (meant for west), it's purpose is US citizen targeted disinformation. Europe doesn't fight back that FF dependence is not just Russia dependence but US dependence as well, but still behaves as though it realizes that. Europe doesn't realize that the Ukraine proxy war on Russia was a war on Europe. Embarrassing response to Nordstream for example, but your oil funded disinformation has a small effect on far right.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (5 children)

you can touch someone who’s openly in favor of genocide in Xinjiang or Ukraine.

social media disinformation making smears in favour of warmongering is quite new, but extreme statism if not paid agents. The high divisiveness is part of the mind control techniques that are making most of the audience internalize evil. Those were not of certain effectiveness in 2010.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (7 children)

Israel's genocidal ambitions were always there. Knowing the absolute control over US rulership and their ability to maintain genocide support through advances in mind control was not known in 2010.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago (9 children)

Biden made some meek complaints about 2000lb bombs being used in dense urban environment. Israel had to put up with a couple of weeks delay on more of them. They signed contract in 2010. Maybe DNC could have chosen Bernie instead of HRC (just kidding).

[–] 11 points 2 days ago (11 children)

The foresight that using F35s for genocide could make some future US politician uppity.

[–] 9 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Every flight requires inputting a password from Lockheed to use their electronic systems mentioned in article.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

and it has ultra poor flight time such that maintenance, and part replacements, are ultra frequent. Wouldn't surprise me if 3 flights is a maximum without Lockheed consultant required word.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago

AI is a big help here. Including at current tech level. But why bother the expense or judicially-complaining process of arresting them, if you can arrange their next Amazon electronics order to explode?

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

Climate change can also contribute to instability and conflict when water and food shortages trigger increasing competition for resources, internal and cross-border tensions, or mass migrations.

Well summarized. The question is does the civilian/political leadership like having these problems, in that it is an opportunity for more wars, and leveraging the political division over immigration?

While damage to military bases/ports matters, damage to everyone else, should matter more.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

IMO, it's 50/50 if world can win the trade war US is setting on them. Extreme cowardice from world leading up to April 2, but people are boycotting US products, and shifting military procurement. Even if they limit counter tariffs, US sales should dive, and US will face higher prices. The 50/50 part is whether manufacturing moves out of US as a response. US automakers making wrong decision on Canada for instance is a fairly large market that would see them face same fate as Tesla. Boeing is sure to dive.

US generating hate is sure to make its economy contract. Just a matter of how much.

[–] 15 points 2 days ago

only clue that this is satire

Meanwhile, Tesla's stock surged 17% on news that Musk had threatened to send all arsonists to Mars as "unwitting beta testers for our oxygen deprivation experiments."

Tesla's stock did not go up 17%.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

article does say Ford "is keeping electricity export tax on the table". Everyone cowering to Trump seems to be the tactic for now for whole world. April 2 reaction is the important time to see if they stand up.

I’m really curious what happened during Ford’s meeting with Lutnick.

There was article detailing that posted here. It was extremely embarassing. Good cop Lutnick making sweet nothing promises that bad cop Trump is not bound to. Ford looking naive for praising it, but again, reaction april 2 all that matters.


US mining industry is saying it needs 920% tariffs on Chinese graphite to make projects in North America. And oil industry will astroturf protests, and lobby, to delay the mining.

The only solution to Oil industry scheming, is nationalizing oil companies. US can't help with a sustainable climate if their power is maximized.

For mining projects, there's an absurdity to the cost and profit levels. A model to promote abundance would be cheap loans, and production subsidies, but cooperating with China, is a low investment path that can make high value EVs in the US if the batteries are cheap.


Headline is a bit inaccurate. "If they use anything other than dollar" is the quote.

While neocon colonial handlers have been making the west puppets fall over themselves over offering more war, there was already a strong division in the world.

Trade prevents wars. The world becoming more divided will make the US more isolated, and anger the low hanging fruit of dealing with decline. Investment outside of the US and its influence have already taken off. This posturing is not significantly different than the path the Biden administration set on, but there is a matter of style that will cause the US colonies to choose between dignity and extreme ever subjugated diminishment to US control and profits, even as the US itself causes its own decline.


NATO and other US colonies submitted harder to US under Biden. In part, it made political sense to boost US in order to prevent Trump again. The CIA loyal colonial institutions that made that happen though, are pushing for total capitulation instead of the escape hatch that China/world provides.

Fentanyl, FYI is used in hospitals extensively because it is a cheaper opiate on a per dose basis. It is not a cause of opiate addiction, but instead has a high risk of overdose death as a result of typically accidental use instead of heroin. Anti-immigration positions in Canada are gaining strength mostly because of the systemic collapse of the last 4 years of subjugation creates pessimism over sustainability that is required for policies like education or immigration to eventually pay off.

Instead of banning fentanyl, and growing opium in Canadian greenhouses for traditional opiate industry, and limiting immigration even more, including visa requirements from countries Trump hates, Canada is begging for the privilege of funding perpetual Ukraine war, and acting as force multiplier on war with China.

OTOH, this latest call is a ploy to get US-Canada to jointly isolate from the world. Mexico has already been cooperative with China, and has a massive opportunity to become Central and South American manufacturing hub in addition to significant cost of living comparative advantage.

Even if US accepts Canada as part of its island, it will continue escalation of demands.


The main explanation for continuous underforcasts by IEA, is that their rolodex includes only oil companies, and that's who they ask.


A large project with cost data.

At $1.6B project cost for 3gw, that is a little over 50c/watt, and would typically produce energy costs excluding financing of 1c/kwh.


ahead of Germany and Japan. Using PPP GDP measure.

a more detailed, but biased, article

There is more likely to be a collapse on the west from supporting a Ukraine war. There is zero resonance of "NATO is a purely defensive alliance" propaganda meant to be a friend to the world or to Russia inside of Russia. It is fully understood as an existential threat in Russia, while it is a casual inconvenience to those who trust western media in the west. A deep concern for the world/west is that Russia's extreme growth in military production means that we will soon be asked to boost competing military production and compromise our own sustainability and leisure.


In article's first chart, it lists China as competitive this year in robotics and machine tools. It is far more appropriate to call it a global leader in these categories, as that is where all of the manufacturing customers are.


While Musk is referring to the magical $2T+ in budget cuts to US budget he will sail through magical congressional unanimity...

Hardship has to include the extreme difficulty in reindustrializing the US in an environment where labour is deported, and reciprocal tariffs means serving a local declining market where fewer people have money left over if they are overpaying for imported goods.

Recessions not only reduce tax revenue, they also are typically responded to by significant government investment to pull out of recession, and the US is nearly maxed out already.

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