"That's a challenging wank"
Awful Taste But Great Execution
For when their taste is awful but execution is great
Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees… 😏
Turn back if you find an Ent in there.
It’s the hobbits you gotta watch out for.
Back it up*
Challenging to not wank, right?
Gonna be a tough one but let's see if he can pull it off.
That's the point no?
rip Sean
I don’t care what anyone else thinks, there is nothing awful about this. That is such comedic genius. 😂 I could only dream of ever thinking up something so brilliant!
Yeah more of a great taste awful execution
Great taste, great execution
Except it's a kinda shitty Photoshop job
Great taste, no execution.
Reminds me of this ~~oglaf (not explicitly nsfw, which is unusual for them)~~ Edit: actually from Saint Monstre, I misremembered.
I don't think this is Oglaf? Different style, different format than those they have on their site.
Oh you're right, I misremembered. This one is from Saint Monstre.
That's not Oglaf. But I'd love to know what it is!
Sorry, I misremembered. This one is from Saint Monstre. I'll edit the original.
Never seen this yeen boy before but I love him already
Apparently your image is 403 forbidden for some reason
Hmm it's showing up for me. How's this?
"Hey baby, I heard you were into bushcraft."
-Genderbent Gandalf or something, idk
I put on my robe and wizard hat!
The double beard is *Chefs Kiss* perfect!
I’m not laughing at you, I’m just smirkin’ at your merkin!
This is the first shit Saruman saw in the Palantíri.
And the next time Gandalf visited, he tried to lock him in his tower. Kinky.
This would be funny if it wasn't fact that gandalf manscapes.
"Thou Sheer Not Pass!"
Wow! What a big beard you have there Gandalf.
All the better to contemplate with.
heheh i'm in this picture :3
But is there an ass beard
you're obviously not 50 yet...
Tolkien: "Okay, so that's my character Treebeard. Now sit down. I wanna tell you all about my other character..."
Life goal, right here