I also move unescorted and unarmed (possibly with my kids in tow??) to the one place in the world a would-be assassin would most expect me to be when I'm genuinely afraid for my life instead of just, I dunno, a fucking police station or something.
Political Weirdos
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he's full of shit.
his security detail would not have let him camp his front door with a loaded arsenal.
That's kind of what I was thinking in my other comment. In this man's version of events, there's no chance he had a security detail because they wouldn't let him do this stupid shit, but then if he didn't, he took one of the worst courses of action possible. But it's so unlikely that he didn't have Secret Service on him at the time that yeah, I'm led to conclude like you did that he's just lying his ass off to try to sound heroic.
Good point, dude was dumb under pressure.
Yeah, and it strikes me as a string of dumb decisions. Like obviously yeah, he was right to get himself and his kids off the mini-golf course. You really don't know with this kind of thing if it's coordinated, but after that... I think Vance should get Secret Service under 18 U.S.C. 3056(a)(7), so maybe I was wrong and he was escorted? But then it's weird as hell that he would've been standing at his door like a "sentry" when the Secret Service would probably want him as far away from entryways as possible. And I still think it's weird to go to his house instead of chilling at the police station for maybe an hour or so while they figure out what the fuck happened.
18 U.S.C. 3056(a)(7) https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/3056 "(7)Major Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates and, within 120 days of the general Presidential election, the spouses of such candidates. As used in this paragraph, the term “major Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates” means those individuals identified as such by the Secretary of Homeland Security after consultation with an advisory committee consisting of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the minority leader of the House of Representatives, the majority and minority leaders of the Senate, and one additional member selected by the other members of the committee. The Committee shall not be subject to chapter 10 of title 5."
Yeah he's either a moron and did what he said, or he lies with a story a moron would come up with. The actual story of "The secret service took me to a safehouse" sounds cooler. Or maybe they just forgot to protect him? Lol. I don't know which scenario is the funniest.
So he abandoned his children?
Well his children are brown so maybe he forgot they were his.
No, he just pointed his gun at the door where his kids are likely to walk in when they are done playing mini golf.
Also, he's probably lying
What video did he see? Was it live or after the fact? Trump stood there and kept talking, how did Vance think he had been killed? Oh wait, other commenters pointed out the answer, he's fucking lying.
It's either that or he's actually got no balls and immediately went into flight mode without waiting to see Trump get up like 5 seconds later.
Apparently he did book it from a bar, so he may not and is just that stupid and panicky. Which is frankly what I expect rich yuppies arent known for their intelligence.
Bro wishes he was an action hero so bad he ruined his kids game of putput
Uhhh, anyone else thinking this is not how I would expect a Vice President to respond? Or a Marine. I'm not saying he wasn't a Marine. I'm saying no good Marine or VP would respond by hiding before he could finish watching the footage to realize Trump was still alive.
He jumped to flight so fast he thought entering an unsecure location and standing in one, easily avoided, spot was the go to move. For that kind of reaction I could be a better vice president. (And I'd be a shit VP)
He's got kids, his first priority was getting them home to safety and making sure he was ready if anyone was moving in on him.
The post was worded like he just left his kids at the mini golf place lmao
That’s how I read it and I refuse to believe any reality where his kids aren’t still standing at the mini golf place waiting for dad to come back.
i dont know which is worse, he made this up to make himself look good, or he actually did this. in the first case doesnt he think it's so freaking cringe, it's a north-korean-crying-at-kim's-funeral vibe. or the latter case, oh... boy..
Wait, did he leave his kids behind?
Yep. They might be enemies within. Head on a swivel, guys!
My favorite is, "stood like a sentry at the front door". So he stood in a clearly visible area with his rifle upright next to him? He's a Marine, he knows what these words mean. Or he's supposed to at any rate. Maybe he meant he was standing there with a holstered pistol, waiting for visitors to present ID? Did he make sure to change into the uniform of the day and write himself up for two imaginary uniform faults?
If this wasn't a national election I'd be laughing and have ten more jokes about his "combat" experience. It's not everyday the Army gets to dunk on the Marines. Not with most civilians convinced every Marine is better trained than Army Rangers.
Like a lizard dropping its tail to distract the attacker.
Sounds like it was just flight mode. With a little bit of cowering mode.
That's common for Republicans, but normally they flight mode right to Cancun.
Sure ya did champ.
Every cracker thinks he's Malcom, when he's actually the Klan outside
The second in command, upon believing the first in command had been killed, shirked his duty and responsibility as the new leader of his people instead running home to bunker down himself at the first sign of panic. 🤔
Probably thought, "what would Donald do?" Pretty accurate considering those protesters outside the white house fence scared trump into the bunker.
Says he went into "fight or flight mode", left...
Fuckin lol
just like every other 5 yr old boy who sees his daddy fall
Sounds exactly like the scared little boy he is. So many of them have this same bunker mentality, that if they can't dominate they aren't safe and have to hide. Fine with me, let them go hide while the rest of us make progress.
Stood like a sentry at his front door? Where he could easily get shot. Nothing about this makes sense.
Did we watch the same video??
The second Trump looked confused and touched his ear, I knew he may be dead
I like that he just assumes Trump was killed and didn't wait for whatever video footage he was watching to show the part where he got hoisted back up and turned it into political propaganda.
Repubes are weak people’s visions of strong men
Finally, my military cosplay comes to life!
JD Vance, probably
It's honestly very funny to imagine any US Senator thinks of themselves in these action hero terms. Like Mitch McConnell heard about it and put on a bandana and got his lasso.
Maybe call Trump first? With that thing that makes the calls in your pocket? Fucken nonce
He doesn't have his real number :(
The VP candidates don’t receive Secret Service protection between their party-nomination and the election?
That seems a little weird.
Or.... Hear me out... JD Vance... Lied. You know, like a liar would. Like a man who admitted he makes up stories for media attention would. Because... He's a liar
He's lying. Trying to normalize irrational fears of political violence by his dumbass cult members. He wasn't with his family, let alone mini golfing.