Political Weirdos
A community dedicated to the weirdest people involved in politics.
- Focus on weird behaviors and beliefs
- Follow Iemmy.world TOS
- Don’t be a jerk
I wish his fucking parents hugged him so I didn’t have to read this shit and world would be a better place.
Someone else would take his place, he's a symptom, not a cause
Totally random thought, but did you know that it takes more energy to crush a can of soda than it does the cartilage of the human throat? Or that once broken, it can't be repaired? Crazy, right?
Anyway, I'd give him a hug if he wants.
donald j. trump
Not sure what's more tragic. This post or the country that voted for the person that made this post.
Definitely the latter
is this an actual post he made? jfc.
I couldn't believe it when I saw this yesterday. It's so hard to draw a bead on exactly who he is between his senility, drug-addled body and pathological lying but it's such a window into who he is; even though he's taken over the playground and all his friends are running the school like animal house, he can't even savor the enormity of the victory...he's just glad he found his favorite pencil he thought someone took.
You're missing Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It's the defining characteristic of the man.
Dear Mr. Trump, while I know several people who would like to meet you, this is not the context that they are thinking of.
Ah, that's the problem. He doesn't actually have friends.
That's almost sad, but I feel like he doesn't really believe in friends. Just potential resources
Every relationship to him is transactional. Every single one. "Friends" to him just means people want things from him and they have to offer something in return.
Everybody wants to take advantage of you because your insecurity dwarfs the entirety of the known universe, you dementia riddled moron.
Do you think he can actually experience insecurity? My impression has been the opposite - I think he's literally shameless. He has absolute confidence and so he never feels the self-doubt necessary to believe that someone worth having as a friend wouldn't want to be his friend. Only bad people (who are probably plotting against him) wouldn't want to be his friends.
I admit that if that's what he's like, then I'm a little jealous. I mean, I don't want to be him but I do want to be able to meet a person, be rejected, and then go on with my life without having my deep insecurity triggered. Hell, I just want to be able to meet a person instead of being crippled by even the possibility of rejection.
Yeah, this is narcissism. One is so insecure that they defensively convince themselves that the world revolves around them. Any self-reflection ends up so dissonant that it gets shut down immediately. It takes a really hard hit to knock the delusion aside, even temporarily.
Decades of practice in devaluing anyone you don't agree with makes it easy to jump to "anyone worth anything agrees that I'm the center of the universe."
Sadly narcissism is not just inhuman confidence. Narcissists are emotionally incomplete. The above tweet is a pretty straightforward example of a narcissist's need for constant admiration, attention, and validation. He does not experience a functional form of confidence or have any inherent self-worth at all, and cannot function without a constant source of external validation.
It's not possible to be someone who never experiences self doubt. Some people experiment with drugs or alcohol for that, but it only papers over the ugly feelings rather than help with processing them. It's normal to struggle with insecurity. I found Iroh's wisdom helpful, despite it being from a cartoon - pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source.
Perhaps like me you've struggled to connect with others in that way. Ever since I was little I felt separate from my peers, and I gravitated to others who were aloof, or social pariahs. It... Didn't work out, and now I'm mostly alone again.
I don't think you post something like that for the world to see unless you're worried, maybe deep down, that people don't like you.
Hes like the family member you invite out of family obligation, but are wary because he eyes your underage kids. Yuck.
"ReTruths"... good grief
They're double plus good!
He never learned how to recognize and avoid ass kissers
I think that's just what he thinks friendship is. Everything is transactional, no friendship is real.
I think you're right. People don't do the sorts of things these people do while also having empathy.
art of the deal
Oh, the misery...
so is this xitter or truths sos ill or what? what does he spew his bullshit on nowadays?
The latter.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
"One who has to say that everyone wants to be their friend is not someone whom people truly want to be friends with" - John Gamer Throne