I get what the wife and daughter are saying about supporting the people and supporting the war are not the same thing. Is be interested to hear how the son is interpreting all that though. An elementary school kid is probably not going to understand the nuance of that position very well and OOP will need to provide a lot of guidance there.
I'm glad OOP tried counselling first: cancelling the wedding seemed like too big a step.
He was so astute in pointing out how every explanation she gave was centred on the ex and reinforced that she was ultimately still hung up on him. The best revenge is moving on as they say.
And then she talks about the ex every day?? I'd be concerned about him showing up and her running away with him! He obviously still has some kind of power over her. She needs some individual therapy or something like that.
September 2020 😬. I guess we'll never know what happened
I would imagine that stepdad has a case for being unfairly treated given that mom is also a tenant. There's no mention of her paying rent or doing these chores.
Also are their finances not at least partly combined, given that they have been married for five years? So mom probably is contributing to rent by some metric - hours she have a job or were they relying fully on stepdad's part time income?
I will never love anyone like I loved him
OK "like" is doing some important work here and I would need to know whether she means
I will never love anyone in the way I loved him
I will never love anyone to the extent I loved him
The former I could get over, potentially living side by side with Kyle in her heart. The latter, forever behind him... I am not sure if I could deal with that.
Just seems like poor planning and communication. If Tyler wants to book Nate's time, he ought to say soon advance, even if he doesn't reveal what they're doing. Nate probably should have responded to the calls/texts and then at least Tyler could have used the room himself or with another buddy
I respect wait staff, street sweepers, cleaners etc. I don't respect someone whose ego is so big they would rather be unemployed than take one of those jobs
I used to think like this, but then I discovered the sequel song which would be utterly unnecessary if the devil actually won the first time. Technically the song is by a different artist, but Charlie Daniels played on the track and I'm going to count that as canon.
It's been ten long years since the devil laid his fiddle at Johnny's feet
And it burned inside his mind the way he suffered that defeat
I hope he doesn't show up to that class because he's going to be an annoying prick otherwise!
Further proof that /BestOfRedditorUpdates is actually /LiterallyAnyRedditorUpdates. This story was a drag and difficult to read
I was broadly on OOP's side in the first half. Part of a parent's role is to teach their children right from wrong so I don't think some meddling is overstepping. The particular punishments of grounding and forbidding going on the trip are a little childish though. In any case she really lost me in the comments.
Don't bother reading the rest of the story folks. It's more paragraphs of mostly nothing happening. Dad ends up surprisingly supportive, mostly cares about grandkids and filling his empty nest.