me and my changelings: heheh
dude doesn't even own a tesla
I always wondered what was wrong with shitjustworks
this has been true since erdogan's reign started 11 years ago, at least the US got 4 years of weimar in-between
I was randomly notified today by u/Rai i guess
it's close enough to the themes that i assumed it was in a different translation
TIL Colorado is approximately Finland
you right though
wait, actually, i just commented this on another post: all the swing states, the ones crossing the diagonal, have a wildly different trajectory than either the solid blue states or solid red states. the swing states go right and not down (WI goes right and up??) and everyone else drops down. aren't those the states we would expect foul play in?
yes and no: the states that cross the diagonal predominantly point right and not down, and those are the "swing states" that decide the stupid electoral system
julia no
that's bobby hill