I have $200 to spend on fitness. I don’t spend them.
Relatable, but I want to spend it once.
If there’s a secondhand store near you, I highly recommend that. A lot of people will buy, say, an exercise bike, and then sell it because they don’t use it. End result: you get something that’s practically new, but much cheaper!
Great suggestion
Maybe a fitness club / gym membership? Or depending on where you're at maybe a consult with a personal trainer or something.
A sturdy, used, road-oriented bicycle. $200 won't get anything too fancy, but cycling is a low-impact activity that -- given the right places to bike -- is meditative, improves cardio, facilitates independent exploration, and also happens to double as transportation.
I specifically say "road oriented" because I don't want to necessarily endorse all road bikes, like the ones with carbon fibre or "Tour de France" pedigree. Likewise, mountain bikes with full-suspension sap energy away from the steady cadence ideal for a good workout, in addition to generally costing more or delivering less-than-stellar performance at low price points.
Fresh pair of climbing shoes
Are shoes important for climbing? I did consider paying for a climbing gym session
Yeah you wear specific shoes and they make different styles of shoes for different types of climbing. I pay for a monthly membership so the 200 could go to that as well ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Eyyy have you seen my woody on my profile? It was $305 so it doesn't qualify for OP's question, but I feel it's in the same spirit. Plus, I always love seeing more of my people in this corner of the internet - hello!
(I need to learn how to make instance-agnostic links)
Talk about risky click of the day lol. That thing is sick! For 300 that is awesome, you got a build process or anything?
In the US? A National Parks Pass and snacks for the long hikes.
A pair of running shoes, a heart rate monitor, and bodyglide. Intro to running kit more or less
Had to google bodyglide, but these are all good suggestions
100% suggest body glide for a summer run over 4 miles
That's one specific brand, there's others out there like squirrel's nut butter, but bodyglide is the one I prefer!
I'd say get an older or refurbished Apple Watch or other fitness tracker. I got one 1.5 years ago, haven't missed a single day of reaching my daily exercise goals. My SO got one years before me but I never saw the incentive, and now we both have one, we keep each other on track. From doing nothing ever I now have at least a 5km hike or run every single day.
I have one and I agree that it's great for motivation and accountability
Garmin GPS watch. Mine was about tree fiddy but $200 off would be nice.
I've used credits like this on a gym membership.
Almost enough to buy a water bottle
Wow, why is it so expensive? I might consider paying that much for a water bottle if it contained a magical spring.
A used exercise bike for days I can't ride outside.
Okay, my answer:
- Try a class for a new type of sport/activity
- Get a massage
- New gear for your current favorite activity
- Something useful like sports bra, socks, water bottle etc.
I'd get a unicycle. It's been a while, but I do know how to mount and ride them.
Fun idea!
A decent pull up bar and punching bag and some knuckle strapper or whatever its called (idk I punch bare hands tho I probably shouldn't ) .
A speed bag. There's something about them that I just find so relaxing.
A really nice pair of boots that will last a long time. i already have some ok trainers but the boots I use for hiking are falling apart.
I'd get an indoor spinning bike (if I didn't already have one). It's a really fun exercise option for any weather!
I bought a recumbent bike for like $180 a couple years now and replaced my lazyboy with it. It's amazing how many kms you can rack up lazily pedaling while watching a movie.
- I don't own any fitness equipment
- I'm at the very start of my fitness journey
- I am completely untrained
I would buy:
- A yoga mat
- A good pair of shoes
For exercise I would do calisthenics and walk/hike/run.
To upgrade the kit I would get:
- Workout clothes
- A bicycle
- A fitness tracker
For building good overall fitness, you want a combination of strength and endurance exercise. Calisthenics and walking/hiking/running accomplish both for someone just starting out. Exercise clothes are good but arguably optional, as you can work out in regular clothes. Adding a bicycle for combined transportation and exercise later is good, and having a device to track everything is good for understanding progress and keeping motivation high.
Throw in some hand weights with detachable plates and a couple bars. You can do a lot of strength training with a $100 set of hand weights.
My 70ish lb kettlebell cost over 200 considering shipping D: but it’ll be worth for the gainz. If I had to spend another 200 I’d wonder if there’s a cheap bike or maybe an elliptical, which I doubt. Next stop is probably some kind of half rack that has a decent pull-up bar, because my tower ain’t the greatest
Kind of a boring answer, but I think the most logical answer for most people would be to use it on their gym membership. I know I would.
Exercise bike or rower perhaps? But I'm a fan of cardiovascular exercise.
You could perhaps get some nice running shoes and weights.
A new crank for my road bike
Practical and useful
Personally, a rowing machine, some dumbbells and maybe a kettle ball will do me for a long time.
I sadly doubt $200 will go anywhere near that far. Maybe adjustable dumbbells could be had for $200 and would be very useful