This could be in a textbook on a chapter about political zealots in 100 years.
Political Weirdos
A community dedicated to the weirdest people involved in politics.
- Focus on weird behaviors and beliefs
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These are the guys who used to bully me for my goth and scene wear. They are such tools and fools. Cowboy dumbfuck
Hey, there are some decent cowboys out there. Let's not insult them because of this guy. "Dumbfuck" does apply though.
As someone who owns too many cowboy hats, pearl snap shirts, and works occasionally on my buddy's ranch, I appreciate that.
I actually don't mind the cosplay cowboys and usually turn the other cheek in matters of fashion because I just can't give a shit. But this is fucking idiotic.
And the kind of person who claims even mildly hinting that you're gay is "shoving it in his face"
Tell me your adult children don't speak with you without saying it.
These types of people hate gay people for being so "flamboyant and in your face" but these types are super fabulous and the most peacocking people.
Seriously. Gold sneakers, man purse, fancy hat, and a swirly cocktail in a sugar rimmed glass. If that isn't fabulous, then I didn't know what is.
And, tellingly, not a single friend to eat with. Dude looks like he lost a bet.
It's like when you let a little kid choose their own clothes.
Absolutely this.
"Of course buddy you can dress up like a felon billionaire"
It's at least cute when they are young...
I love how these people openly and proudly admit that they're voting for a criminal to run the country.
While simultaneously putting up signs that read “Back the Blue”. Critical thinking is not their strong point.
The one thing I genuinely like about trumpers, is that they advertise that they're stupid and a horrible person, on the outside.
You can skip over the whole "getting to know them" part and go straight to ghosting them.
You know how in nature some venomous/poisonous animals have bright colouring to warn not to touch or approach them? Trumpers are just like that.
Lmao the guy who's worried about the "deep state" has a free masons tattoo. Not only is he a walking joke, he's a walking contradiction.
I feel sad for him. Watching an adult person be as dumb as a 5 year old, spending his money on those dumb grifter shoes.... It's sad, really
His handbag doesn’t have Trump on it, he’s a fake.
That's not his handbag. His wife left it there as a decoy while she "went to the little girls' room."
Actually she's taken the car with her real handbag and is already 20 miles down I-80, headed to California for an abortion, a restraining order, and a new life.
I very much encourage and appreciate that these dildos continue to self-identify so I can give them a very wide berth
My character creator with only the free items
A highchair seems fitting
Those shoes need little heels
Dumbest mark I've seen in a while. Wish I had a bridge to sell this guy.
This makes me sad. The dude probably has zero personality. Put all his points into cult shit.
God's most perfect idiot
I am genuinely curious, I don't try to be smug. So please don't get this wrong, but I have to ask: is it legal & OK in the US to take pictures of people w/o their consent?
It's legal if you're in a place with no reasonable expectation of privacy, such as a restaurant.
That shirt makes him look like his own red flag.
I really want to see his 1990 Dodge.
This guy bought the gold trump sneakers. He's clearly an easy mark. Some slick car salesman saw this guy coming from a mile away and talked him into a brand new 2024 RAM pickup on a 10 year note at 23% interest. The truck is in the parking lot right now festooned with now faded "Lets Go Brandon" flags he purchased at a gas station.
5 bucks says hes hit a woman for "disrespecting" him on more than one occasion.
The disrespect, of course, being pointing out/correcting some minor inconsequential thing he was wrong about.