Minecraft probably. I avoid legitimate horror games (and movies) and the fact that you don't have saves can get a little stressful when you're down in a cave, don't know how to find your way back (and thus probably won't find your body) and then basically get jumpscared by dangerous enemies or holes in the ground.
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Lol that's true. Nothing like a creeper or two to sneak up behind you in the dark.
if you want to know how to get back, pick a side (i chose left) and always put torches on that side going down. to come back up, keep the torches on your right. 🔥
Soma is definitely up there. It's slowburn and not jumpscares. But when that shit hit, it hit hard.
I thought it was pretty good! There were definitely some tense moments for sure
But what type of spooky are you looking for?
Oh man, absolutely anything to make me feel dread or have me not knowing what to expect. Which is vague, I know. I feel like I've played so many horror games that they start to feel too gamey? If that makes any sense? It's like I can predict when scares will happen or the gamey aspects sometimes don't immerse me.
Oddly enough, subnautica really had me on my toes a few years back. Fatum Betula was an indie that also gave me some heeby jeebies but wasn't exactly scary either.
I feel like I'll probably need to crawl through dozens of indie titles or something. Or possibly go back to titles made prior to 2005. I'm also not caught up on recent games in the past couple of years, so maybe there's something special I've missed.
But I'm also just curious to hear what made everyone else scared, too!
Welp, as a tie-over I can recommend plowing through some of the stuff on Gamejolt.
There's a few pretty good indie spookies for free. They aren't too long, but have some pretty good concepts if nothing else.
But yeah, one tends to get a bit numb on horror after a while. It helps to take a break every now and then.
I don't know if I've ever been on gamejolt before, thanks, I'll take a look!
Yeah, that makes sense. I guess I'm chasing that next scare. Something to wow me again, haha. I'm sure there's gotta be something out there
At the time, PT was the scariest thing I'd ever played. Was super obsessed with that demo.
Will never get over silent hills cancelation
PT stands on its own in the horror video game genre IMO. Too many games fail to convey one of the elements of horror well, typically overusing shock and disgust as it's hard to achieve psychological terror when your art medium has the potential for funny things to happen (like physics objects in amnesia deciding to fling themselves all over the room when you let go because they bounced wrong). Really interrupts the flow of the scared juice. The other half of horror games give you enough tools to completely defuse the horror after an initial few encounters (death stranding) or straight up don't try to scare you situationally, just acting as combat action games with horror themes (later resident evils).
PT remakes for PC are in a good place finally, "P.T. emulation" being a bit closer than unreal PT to the source material as a project. How konami could possibly drop a project with star power like kojima+del toro is beyond me, especially considering reception to the demo was GREAT and it was slated to release while streamers playing horror games was still in vogue. Unbelievable fumbled bag lying there
PT is great. I wish it was still easily accessible.
That whole situation is such a shame. There was so much potential there!
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's requiem. It's an older game, GameCube era. I don't like horror games and this one isn't true horror. There are some good jump scares and body horror though. I had to stop after a certain scene because of the jump scares. The sanity system is really great.
F.E.A.R (the first one only) was absolutely scary and psychologically nerve wrecking...
The multiplayer was amazing though, the nail gun was something else !
The nail gun was so satisfying! The AI was cool! The way they would flank was pretty good for the time! The light and shadows were really great. Lots of tension mixed with the gun fights. In a lot of ways, Condemned reminds me of it, too.
The AI was cool! The way they would flank was pretty good for the time!
So truee ! Yeah I remember that was something really unique to FEAR ! Never had seen a similar AI in other games :/
Yeah now that you mention it, there really haven't been too many releases similar to FEARs gameplay style since then. It was a very unique combo of fps and horror. I would love to see someone tackle that style again
The original Resident Evil was pretty revolutionary and terrifying for me, but the 100% scariest I've played is the original Dead Space.
More recently, The Outlast Trials is really good, and I would HIGHLY recommend any of the Dark Pictures Anthology games, but my favorite is Man of Medan.
cliched yes, but I will always remember how scared as hell I was playing Silent Hill for the first time in high school, when you go down that dutch angle alleyway and the evil toddlers stab you to death...
i couldnt play any more for a few days haha, it was a pretty stand out memory for scary game stuff. Its hard to state how unexpected it was at the time, I hadnt played any early horror games, and I dont know how many similar experiences there were at the time (year 2000ish) so it really was brutal and surprising
I've yet to play the first 3 silent hills. I feel like they're the elephant in the room for me lol
I don't play horror games, Amnesia was too much for me. After that bit with the invisible creature in the flooded corridor, I uninstalled the thing and never touched it again. That was fifteen years ago
I don't know if I would call it horror, but Dredge is fantastic with creeping dread
the original resident evil. couldn't even get through the first 15 minutes before i threw the controller across the room. i don't play scary games anymore, but i love watching other people play!
silent hill was super fun to watch.
The first Layers of Fear was pretty spooky, very PT inspired. The second one was decent too, but not as scary.
Outlast is the standard I hold walking sim horror games to. I can speedrun through it now since I've played it so much, but the first few times were terrifying.
Some people have mentioned Amnesia, so I'll throw in the recent iteration with Amnesia: The Bunker. It's like Alien: Isolation in a WW1 setting.
Speaking of which, Alien: Isolation is probably no. 1 for me. Between the alien, the androids, and even other people, that game is very stress inducing.
by tradition we don't talk about the game and instead tell people to play Outer Wilds
Outer Wilds is probably one of my top 5
It's probably my favorite game that I've played in the past decade
Dead Space scared me so much it made me numb to lot of horror games since.
When I played the original Fatal Frame it was unlike anything I had played at the time. The Penumbra series was also up there.
These 2 series lead to me realizing I disassociate when I watch or play horror and I stopped consuming that genre.
Fatal Frame has gotten lost to history a bit, but I remember those games having the reputation as being the scariest that games have ever gotten when they were new.
I found 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors to be very unsettling. I played it in bed at night with headphones on and it totally sucked me in. I guess this is a different type of horror to many of the games suggested here, which I personally don't find scary.
I am not a fan of horror games all that much, and Half-Life Alyx is not one, but the horror elements are stronger than previous titles and I still haven't finished the game because of that. The game is incredible, but I just can't get past the scary parts.
“Hey there, Jeff” (0.0) that bit had me stuck for a month until I decided to push through it!
Easily the scariest was „Amnesia: The Dark Descen“ (2010).
Killing Floor VR
Oh man I haven't gotten a chance to try VR yet and I bet that would help immerse me in a whole new way. I can't wait to see how VR improves over time
I found the batman vr game on psvr scariest. It wasnt that scary a premise, but because of the immersion, it was extra. You knew joker was in a cell and you had to Kean in to see. Although you knew he would get you, you had no choice. You had to physically force yourself to be attacked bybsteppibg forwards.
Similarly, the jumping off a cliff to commit suicide in suoerhot vr was quite confronting and scary. I think they edited it out.
The Cradle level in Thief 3 will forever and always be the scariest experience I've ever had in any video game, including horror games. It elevated an otherwise mediocre game to be a worthy entry besides the first two games.
Some games it was just the difficulty that scared me.
There were plenty of jump scare games that definitely got me like the early RE and SH games. Even Metroid games got me when I was a kid.
I haven't tried a horror game in more than 20 years though!
How has nobody mentioned Condemned yet? That game is unnerving from the very first minute you start playing.
Recently, some games that shouldn't have freaked me out, but did, were parts of Outer Wilds and Subnautica. Subnautica, in particular, got me with a very good jump scare that I think made me jump harder than any horror game has in the past decade lol.
I find games that induce dread really help with being scared. If you have any niche titles I would love to hear them too. I must have missed a lot probably anything prior to 2005. But even recent titles there's a chance I could have missed them too!
I've really liked my time with Signalis. It does some neat stuff with it switching between the top down sections and first person puzzles/segments.
Darkwood. Incredible 2d survival horror game.
I'm not a horror game enjoyers so my scariest games are Subnautica and Dredge both of which were already mentioned. But after reading some of your responses I'll recommend you Hellblade Senuas Sacrifice. It's not a horror game but it's an incredible intense experience. Headphones are a must tho.
The first fear game really scared me when I was younger. I was 16 maybe and that's how I found out I don't like ghosts haha.
Playing in ym room at night alone in the dark. Ghosts coming out that I can't hurt haha
Fuck that was bad