People who thought masks made them look stupid, dressing up in diapers and garbage bags ...
Political Weirdos
A community dedicated to the weirdest people involved in politics.
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Don't forget that stupid ear bandage they wore for like a week. It was the irl equivalent of changing your profile picture in solidarity and putting zero actual effort into changing anything. Then he took his stupid bandage off, revealing nothing interesting, and the world collectively forgot about him milking an assassination attempt since there have been 20 bigger stories in the time since. Isn't that wild? Somebody shooting at a former president who is a major party nominee running for reelection is just an "oh yeah..." footnote kind of story when talking about what happened in 2024.
How are trump supporters and undecided voters not just exhausted from all of this? Don't they just want a quiet weekend for once? Life is just so much more pleasant when you're not constantly provoked into being angry over dumb shit all the damn time.
Don’t they just want a quiet weekend for once?
They don't. Unlike the rest of us, they have an addiction to anger. It's the only feeling they have.
I'm not so much crying as I am confused. I feel like I missed something. Some important piece of context that helps explain things.
.......yep. I am confused.
Trump called the Puerto Ricans garbage so Biden called his supporters garbage so they embraced it.
Imagine trying to "own" someone so bad that you wear trash, because I can't.
My favorite bit is that they aren’t just wearing trash, they made brand new “clean” trash, wasting their own time and money, for the sake of wearing it to own the libs, who don’t care in the slightest.
It’s poetic.
Hillary called them deplorable so they became even more deplorable to own the libs. It's a pattern.
Oh I thought they would've had at least some wannabe smart thing here but not, they're literally just accepting they're thrash?
Idk if this is good or bad, but it's sure as shit's funny
"I hate Biden so much that I am going to follow his word and dress as trash."
No wonder they worry about people being sheep - they are the most likely to turn off their brain and just follow along. They have the mental capacity of Ron Burgundy and do what they're told.
Ohh, there's the context I needed. Well, maybe they'll take themselves out to the curb then.
I guess Biden made a statement the other day that said that people voting for Trump were garbage.
So now these people without a shred of irony have started dressing as garbage.
He said their opinions are garbage but apostrophes are silent so it sounded like he was saying the supports themselves are garbage.
And before I get anyone saying I'm twisting the truth to make him look better: when has Biden, who occasionally stutters, ever used that kind of language on stage? The "meanest" comment I can remember him making was "will you shut up, man?"
They are so goddamn weird what the fuck
This is not the rational adult world that I was told I have to adhere to as a child
Seems you can just do whatever the fuck so long as you stay in constant denial about your actions
Do they think this offends us? I think it's fitting. They are indeed garbage
I can only imagine how annoying it must be to live in the same neighborhood any of the Trump kids are in. They're just so fucking stupid.
Ahh, I see you're a Trump kid. I'm afraid I can't just give you this candy as a handout; that would be some commie socialist shit. Instead, I'm going to have to ask you to walk a couple thousand miles in the sweltering heat, then swim across this river that's been strung with razor wire, then climb over this 20-foot wall, not get spotted by border patrol, thermal imaging, dogs, etc. Once you've made it through all that, I'm gonna need you to work a minimum-wage job for twenty years while you contribute to the social security fund that you're ineligible to receive, and once you pass your citizenship test, I'll let you have a piece of candy. But I'll also spit in your face. We have standards.
Don't forget to make them report for frequent random drug tests too. As we all know, people who struggle with addiction don't deserve help. /s
Meanwhile the part that is lost is that what started this was republicans calling Puerto rico a floating island of garbage. However, it's somehow them that are the victim in this? 🤦♂️
Someone tell them if they put the bags over their heads for a while it would hurt my feelings more.
Took me waaaaayyy to long to figure out they are posing as garbage... Which they are🤔
They're actually just white trash.
So the trash is taking itself out?
I'm glad they're aware of what they are.
It's nice to see these pieces of garbage in the right kind of container. Can they throw themselves into the dumpster as well?
Absolute undefeated kings of self ownage.
Weird Halloween costume but okay
I am hereby announcing a Trump rally at the end of my driveway next Tuesday. Please dress in your best garbage bag and sit really still. Someone will be by between 8 and noon to help you onto the... bus.
totally not weird. people who call everyone else snowflakes are too upset at a misinterpreted comment that they can't think of anything other than dressing as garbage.
... mind that it was totally ok for them to call Puerto Ricans garbage.
Just seems right to me. Fucking trash
Is that okay ok? She seems really thin. Do Trump people get enough nutrients? Is that why they are trashy people?
I can't wait until Wednesday for this shit to be over with. 🙏
You're quite optimistic, aren't you.
I'm not. Hence the 🙏
You misspelled February.
You forgot 2038.
If climate change doesn't get us, Unix will.
“I’m Garbagicus!”
“I’m Garbagicus!”
This is unfortunate, I was going to dress up as trash with a makeshift MAGA hat (Make America Garbage Again), but with a white trash bag. Event is a costume party on Saturday.
Is it still a go?
This is actually one of the less cringy things they've done
First they wear diapers, now trash.