“I apologized, learned a lesson, and it won’t happen again,” Boebert said.
I doubt very much that she learned anything, and it will probably happen again.
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“I apologized, learned a lesson, and it won’t happen again,” Boebert said.
I doubt very much that she learned anything, and it will probably happen again.
What lesson, Lauren? What lesson?
To try harder to not get caught.
That tip would’ve been handy at the musical.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Stop it with those really, really hard questions, okay?
Force them to show you their genitals before calling security.
You know that “unsubscribe” button in lists? IF it works at all, it means “unsubscribe from THAT list”, not from the server or other lists that will be created and not even from the same list that will be recreated in the future.
So, “it won’t happen again” simply means with that person (in that restroom).
I made a donation the other day l, carefully unchecked the newsletter box, and immediately got a newsletter in my inbox (a donation confirmation would have been fine).
Whatever, easy to manage, but come on!
When that happens I immediately report it as spam. Enough of those reports and they start getting filtered automatically for everyone.
It's a pain in the ass to get off those lists, even when you end up on them erroneously and there's no actual spam messages that got you there. Getting off when there's an actual digital trail and real reports is even harder.
Cis women being harassed was always going to be the outcome of bathroom policing. It's about policing women's bodies.
Getting other woman worked up enough to police women's bodies*
The number of men who are able to stop trans women from using the womans restroom is gonna be real small. I hope most women realize we can just accept our sisters and fuck the police.
"Oh, I didn't realize there was a trans woman in the bathroom with me. Cause why would I car.... I mean.... I just wasn't looking at everyone else while I shat..."
Dont you even watch television? Youre supposed to hang out at the sink fixing your makeup until other women come up and you can have a cute casual conversation that makes you realize something important. Probably about the man you were considering dating. I dont use the womens restroom and even i know that.
Back in 2013 during the trans bathroom panic under Obama in NC I got attacked in a bathroom in NY for being perceived as trans. I’m a woman, in the woman’s room, with a vagina. My crime? Short hair. Queer appearance.
The attack on trans people is an attack on "others".
You got attacked not for looking trans, but not looking enough like a woman.
That's the insidious thing about the alt right. It's about what they believe is "right".
I’m fully aware
That's what trans bathroom bills are really about. Enforcing the gender binary, including expressions. It's super pathetic, but also super scary
Oh terrifying for sure. I was violently bullied my entire life growing up in the 90s on Long Island NY for being gay and gender nonconforming.
I’m a full grown adult in their mid 30s now and I would 100% fight to the fucking death in a bathroom if I have to. Zero regrets I will smash someone’s head in at this point if they try to fuck with me. I’m small but I’m insane. I’m also an athlete so I’m a hell of a lot faster on my feet than the average fucking chud.
I am often in workwear (big canvas jackets, steal toed boots, ill-fitting pants) in public bathrooms because of my job. I'm also a retired athlete who is built a little bigger than the average woman. I have been screamed at by a woman in home depot saying, "You're not supposed to be in here. This is the ladies." There have been a few other times I have gotten glares and suspicious looks trying to figure out what I have going on under my large clothes.
I have a theory that most of this trans bathroom fear has resulted in negativity towards other women. Butch women exist.
What’s crazy is that while I’m somewhat butch my face is still very feminine and I’m on the small side (well, bigger than I look, but smaller than the average American) - I’m like 5’4, 135lbs and fit and I wear masc clothes. But my face should give it away… and yet it doesn’t.
I think I might want to take up some self defense classes for when running isn’t an option. If I’m backed up into a corner in a bathroom I’ll fight for sure.
What the fuck is wrong with these people? I do everything I can to avoid eye contact or even look at another person in public restrooms. Who's in there doing fucking gender checks, that's just so fucking psychotic.
Awful. Just awful.
I don’t think I’m in as much risk now as I was then as I moved to vermont and people here are very live and let live whereas the part of NY I’m from lost their goddamn minds and made politics their entire personality. But who knows how much longer until that disease comes here.
I have never in my life met another group so obsessed with other people's genitalia. Whether it's being caught in a theater playing them, or stomping into bathrooms to look around at them, they really need a different hobby.
And specifically children's genitals. That's super weird and creepy.
This is what we need to be focusing on. Why are Republicans so obsessed with knowing everyone's genitals and looking at them all the time, even forcing them to show their genitals. That's actually perverted.
Anyone got the cash to buy some political billboards? Ask the BIG questions nice and public?
Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
-Wilhoit’s Law
They’re desperate to find an ‘out group’ they can feel superior towards. In the ‘good ol days’ all you had to do was look at someone’s skin color, but now they’re being told they can’t do that (openly).
They’re also cowards.
So they’re aiming for a very small, underprivileged group that they think still seems ‘weird’ and ‘outside the norm’ enough that they can pick on them and not get in social trouble for it.
The problem is (and this is also a part of why they don’t like trans people) trans people look like everyone else, so they have to go around yelling at everybody and looking like morons.
It's so fucking creepy
Stupidest member of Congress does yet another stupid thing.
It's a race to the bottom between her and MTG. Although I'm sure there are some dark horse contenders out there.
The headline should have been "trying to kick out a woman". That's what she tried to do. That's the fact.
Our “representatives” working in the “important” issues. 🙄
I'd argue that Lauren Boebert is one of the more representative Representatives as she is representative of a painfully large percentage of the US population.
BoBo and Nancy Mace are mad because they like to go to the bathroom together and sniff each other's farts.
Many people are saying it.
always looking to play the victim card.
Are we even sure that Bobblehead is a Feee-male? Has "she" undergone appropriate genital inspection? How do we even know?
Does her Beetlejuice date count?
kicks door
Show me where you pee from!
Pants on the ground and dresses in the air!
If I see one underwear I'm taking you all in!
In my other comment I mentioned being attacked back in 2013. I offered to show the woman what I’m working with but told her I usually get a date and dinner first.
Show me where you pee from!
Pants on the ground and dresses in the air!
If I see one underwear I'm taking you all in!
Sarah already said she would comply.
She really thought she was about to have her badass moment of rescuing the probably otherwise empty restroom from the clutches of a penis.
The stupid part is that the world's most powerful government, with the biggest military, billionaires and the world at their disposal ..... and they still use public washrooms with a dozen other people.
These guys are so wealthy and powerful that they should all have dedicated toilets just for themselves or to install individual private toilets without having to interact with anyone.
Public toilets ... going to take a shit like a regular pleb
So that’s not exactly true.
There are around 40 offices in the Capitol Building, each of which has a private restroom. The rest of the members have offices in nearby buildings.
There are also private, members only restrooms in non-public areas of the building. These are single occupancy rooms.
Multi-occupancy restrooms are for staff and the public.
This whole thing is absurd theater. McBride has been offered access to several private restrooms, so there’s no reason for her to go into a public, multi-occupancy restroom.
You're actually victim blaming here???
No, you fucking halfwit meatball. They are pointing out the obvious reasons why from the outset it would not have been her in that bathroom.
They (McBride) wouldn't want to be going in a restroom like that where they could be harassed rather than just using any of the myriad of private restrooms that they have access to.
Therefore, the outcome that it was not McBride was obvious from the outset, but only Blowbert (and apparently you) are dumb enough to believe that it actually would have been her in the restroom.
Listen, I think you're a fuckin' chode, but halfwit meatball is really funny and I'm going to hang on to that.
I think the one that got me the most was some commenter on reddit called another a "fucking bucket". In context it was really funny.
I think it's funny out of context honestly, that's going on the list too.
Silly Lauri Bebo, so filled with hate that she throws it at people without knowing that if she hates them.